Understanding how we learn through pain and how we learn through pleasure.

As a child I remember stretching on my tippy toes and touching the Number 3 hot plate on my parents’ stove – which happened to be on a Number 4 heat setting at the time.  The result? Screams, tears and swollen fingers.  The pain was instant and so was the lesson.  What did I learn?  Logically I should have learnt to be wary of the No 3 plate on temperature 4: that was the context of the lesson and that …

The Law of Perspective

Remember when you were back at school and how intense and challenging your first exams/tests were?  Then by the next year of exams/tests, it was that same intensity again, only this time harder – and the previous year looked easy. This is perspective.  What feels hard and difficult now will seem easier and less challenging when looking back from the future. So if that is true, lets use this principle to our advantage.


1. Identify what you are struggling …